
The hpfeeds-cif container, when added to a CHN-Server instance, will forward an "observation" of the malicious activity to a specified Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF) instance. You can read more about CIF here

Adding hpfeeds-cif to CHN-Server

The simplest way to integrate CHN reporting to CIF is to use the quickstart method . If you're building manually, use the following steps.

First, include this stanza in the docker-compose.yml file for CHN-server:

    image: stingar/hpfeeds-cif:1.9
      - hpfeeds-cif.env
      - hpfeeds3:hpfeeds3
      - mongodb:mongodb
      - redis:redis

Next, add the following hpfeeds-cif.env configuration file:



# Set the below value to True if your CIF instance uses a valid, CA-signed, certificate

# Set to False if you wish to submit private addresses to CIF

# Specify CIDR networks for which we should NOT submit CIF indicators
# Useful for not reporting any locally compromised hosts and prepopulated with RFC1918 addresses

# Include the honeypot specific tags in CIFv3

# ADVANCED: Specify the Redis database number to use for caching CIF submissions. This is only necessary when
# running multiple CIF containers on the same host submitting to different instances. Note that hpfeeds-bhr defaults
# to using database 1 and hpfeeds-cif defaults to using database 2, so generally safe choices are in the range of 3-15.

Be sure to update the variables enclosed in {}, such as {cif_server_url}, {cif_token}, and {cif_org}.

The IGNORE_CIDR option allow you to specify a set of ranges for which you wish hpfeeds-cif to ignore and NOT submit to the configured CIF server. This option comes pre-populated with RFC1918 addresses, and can be modified prevent submission of local public IP addresses, external vulnerability scanners, etcetera.

Once the docker-compose.yml is updated and the hpfeeds-cif.env file is present, you can simply:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

To examine logs of the transactions with the CIF instance, run:

docker-compose logs hpfeeds-cif

As troubleshooting a remote CIF instance can prove difficult, a high level of debugging logs are turned on by default. Warning: The host and API key will be present in the container logs!

There is currently no option for turning this logging off; if this presents an issue for you, please file an issue with the repo

Pulling data from CIF

Installing the CIF client

One of the easiest ways to pull data from a CIF instance for feeds is to use the chn-intel-feeds container. As an alternative for more flexible feed generation and ad-hoc querying, it's best to use the CIF client from the CIF project. Installing a CIFv3 client is as easy as python3 -m pip install 'cifsdk>=3.0.0,<4.0'. Once the client is installed, you should save your credentials in a configuration file, where the format is:

token: your_cif_token_with_read_rights_here
remote: https://remote.fqdn.cif.server.here
no_verify_ssl: false

Note: The 'no_verify_ssl' option sets whether or not to do strict TLS checking on the certificate presented when connecting. When you have a properly validated certificate installed on your CIF instance, set this value to 'false'; if your CIF instance uses a self-signed certificate, use 'true' here.

Selecting and formatting data

Once you have the CIF client installed, you can use the client to select and pull data from the CIF instance in a variety of formats.

There are many options in the CIF client to select and format the data you'll receive. We suggest you explore this link to understand more of the options available.

A basic useful query would be:

$ cif --tags honeypot --itype ipv4 --last-hour
|  tlp  |  group   |         reporttime         |    indicator    |         firsttime          |          lasttime          | count |       tags       | description | confidence | rdata | provider       |
| green | everyone | 2019-02-15T23:15:34.72083Z |     | 2019-02-15T23:15:33.52882Z | 2019-02-15T23:15:33.64677Z |   2   | honeypot,dionaea |     None    |    8.0     |  None | cnh-sandbox |
| green | everyone | 2019-02-15T23:16:45.13496Z |    | 2019-02-15T23:12:24.33256Z | 2019-02-15T23:16:42.05893Z |   3   | honeypot,dionaea |     None    |    8.0     |  None | cnh-sandbox |

The CIF client also offers options for formatting the data into csv, json, as well as application specific formats such as Zeek Intel Framework

CSV, selecting fields of interest:

 $ cif --tags honeypot --itype ipv4 --last-hour -f csv --columns indicator,lasttime,count,tags,asn

JSON plus some jq magic:

$ cif --tags honeypot --itype ipv4 --last-hour -f json --columns indicator,lasttime,count,tags,asn | jq
    "count": 10,
    "indicator": "",
    "lasttime": "2019-02-16T00:14:14.407959Z",
    "asn": 12389,
    "tags": "honeypot,dionaea"
    "count": 5,
    "indicator": "",
    "lasttime": "2019-02-16T00:47:42.705318Z",
    "asn": 39130,
    "tags": "honeypot,dionaea"

Many protection devices want a list of IP addresses in a file, one per line. This sort of format is easy to achieve with the CIF client and some light command line magic.

$ cif --tags honeypot --itype ipv4 --last-hour -f csv --columns indicator | tail -n +2 | sed -e 's/"//g' > file
$ cat file

Rolling your own solution

In addition to using the CIF command line interface, you can also use the SDK as the basis for your own solution. If you prefer to work in a language other than python, you can program directly against the API.